Upcoming Events

Lent Bible Study
to Apr 9

Lent Bible Study

You’re invited to join us for a 6-week Lent Bible Study.  Let’s come together to deepen our faith, explore scripture, and reflect on the journey to Easter.  Wednesday March 5th through April 9th at 11:00 am

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2025 Carroll County CROP Walk

2025 Carroll County CROP Walk

The 2025 Carroll County CROP Walk will be held Sunday, April 6th, in Union Bridge starting off at Union Bridge Church of the Brethren.  Registration will begin at 1:30pm and the walk at 1:45pm.  This event supports the work of Church World Service to fight world hunger. The Walk also benefits our community as 25% of donations are returned to Carroll County for Access Carroll, St. James Food Pantry and Shepherd’s Staff.  This is a community event and all are welcome.   You can sign up at the link below.

If you cannot participate in the walk, please be a sponsor for someone or you can donate online at https://events.crophungerwalk.org/crophungerwalks/event/unionbridgemd.  Make checks payable to CWS/Crop. Let’s help in “Ending Hunger One Step at a Time”.

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Dream Big Union Bridge Egg Hunt & Lunch

Dream Big Union Bridge Egg Hunt & Lunch

Local Residents Only Event  

    - Open to Elementary Aged Children or Younger Only

Date: April 12, 2025

Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Where: Union Bridge Church of the Brethren 

              124 South Main Street 

              Union Bridge, Maryland 21791

Featuring: Egg Hunt, Lunch, Kid Crafts and more! 

Other Notes: 

Each child will be provided with a bag to fill full of filled Easter Eggs during the hunt. 

There are three (3) age groups and a time limit for each which are as follows:

    Group 1 - Children in Kindergarten or younger - 10 Minutes 

                              - Only One Adult Can Assist Child in Group 1

   Group 2 - Children in First to Third Grade - 10 Minutes 

   Group 3 - Children in Fourth and Fifth Grade - 5 Minutes  

Each group will have one (1) special Easter Egg and the lucky child who finds it will win a special prize! 

Children will receive a filled Easter Basket while supplies last! 

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Mid-Atlantic Disaster Response Auction

Mid-Atlantic Disaster Response Auction

44th Annual Disaster Response Auction
Saturday, May 3, 2025 at the Carroll County Agricultural Center

  • 7-9:30am  Breakfast

  • 9am  General Auction: tools, lawn and garden, household and general items

  • 9:30am  Special Items Auction:  including antiques and collectibles, art and jewelry

  • 10am  Food booths open; child care available 10am-2pm

  • 10:30am  Lunch

  • 12:15 pm  Quilt and Comforter Auction

Terms: cash, check, or credit card; ATM machine located in Shipley Arena. Your purchase has purpose.  Auction proceeds go to the Church of the Brethren Emergency Disaster Response Fund to send trained volunteers to help disaster victims with child care and to repair and rebuild after natural disasters that occur within the United States.  Overseas relief includes food, water, shelter and medicine. For more information call 443-960-3052.

In 2024, following the auction on May 4, $72,000 was given to the Emergency Disaster Fund of the Church of the Brethren to help victims recover from many disasters all around our world.

For more information please go to the link below:

Disaster Response Auction | Mid-Atlantic District Church of the Brethren

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March Potluck

March Potluck

Please join us Sunday, March 16th, in the Fellowship Hall for a church potluck. The meal will be served following worship. Please bring a dish or dessert to share. 

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February Potluck/Empty Bowls Fundraiser

February Potluck/Empty Bowls Fundraiser

We would love to have you join us February 16th, in the Fellowship Hall for a potluck dinner after worship. Following the dinner, we will be painting bowls for the Empty Bowls fundraiser event.  The Empty Bowls fundraiser helps The Shepherd's Staff which has been assisting families in need in Carroll County since 1989.

Please follow this link to sign up for a bowl to paint. It will be fun for all ages so feel free to invite a friend to join you for worship, followed by lunch and painting! Here is the link: https://occ.sn/nPW5QMCs   If you need help signing up, check with someone on the Witness Commission or reach out to the church office! The cost is $10 per bowl.  You must register by 2/12 to participate.

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Church Holiday Event

Church Holiday Event

The Church Holiday Event is scheduled for Sunday, December 1st at 11:30 am following the Hanging of the Greens service. EVERYONE is welcome to come!!! Light lunch, fellowship, crafts, greens arrangement and much more will be offered. We’ll provide all the supplies – just bring your holiday spirit. We hope you all will join us and bring your family, friends, and neighbors for the fun!!!

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Advent Bible Study
to Dec 18

Advent Bible Study

This Advent, take a break from the holiday rush, and join us for a four-week Bible Study.  Each week we will explore the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love.  Join us Wednesdays at 11:00 am and let’s reconnect with the meaning of the season together.

Dates – November 27, December 4, 11, and 18.

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